Tips to make your toddler eat: Many parents worry about whether their toddler is eating enough healthy food. It’s common for toddlers to eat only very small amounts or to be fussy about what they eat and to refuse to eat at all. Although these kind of toddlers behavior is frustrating for the parents, it is very normal in toddlers development. You can only decide what food to give, when to give and where to give and only your little chap decides how much to eat.
Tips to make your toddler eat
Parents often complain that they need to spend more time to make the toddler eat and they are not eating properly. So here we give some tips for the parents who complain about their picky eaters.
My child is not eating
Parents worry a lot when their toddler is not eating properly. If your toddler is not eating, there may be various reasons for it, which might include, There are a few reasons for this:
- Because of growth spurts and variations in activity, toddlers’ appetites vary constantly. Toddlers aren’t growing as fast as babies, so they need less food.
- Toddlers have very small stomachs.
- Because toddlers are so interested in the world around them, they can have short attention spans when it comes to food.
- Toddlers might want to feed themselves, which takes longer than being spoon fed.
- Toddlers might not be able to sit still for a whole meal or they might want to go off to play.
How much my child should eat
Parents have a tendency to compare their kids with other kids in all aspects. Some kids may eat well and some kids are very picky eaters. How much your child eats may be very different from how much another child eats. Don’t worry if it seems that your child doesn’t eat enough at one meal. If your child has plenty of energy and is growing, he or she is most likely healthy. Worry only if your childs growth is getting affected and show to a doctor.
My child is picky eater
Many toddlers are picky eaters. Being picky about food is a normal behavior for many toddlers. There may be times when your child wants to eat a particular food again and again for a while, and then not want to eat it at all. Offer your child a variety of nutritious foods and let him or her choose what to eat. You may want to serve something you know your child likes along with another new nutritious food. But try to let your child explore new foods on his or her own. Don’t force your child to taste new foods. You may need to offer a new food several times before your child tries it.
My child is asking for snacks always.
Not to worry if your child asking for more snacks. Toddlers usually don’t eat enough in one meal to remain full until the next mealtime. Offer your child small, healthy snacks in between meals. If your child doesn’t eat at one mealtime, you can offer a nutritious snack a few hours later. If your child doesn’t eat the snack, offer food again at the next mealtime. Make sure that your child won’t go hungry for too.
Some snacks could be offered for eg: low-fat string cheese, yogurt cups, apple slices or strawberry halves, whole-grain crackers. Try to introduce more fruits and vegetables in their snack time.
Can I offer new foods to my child
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